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New Music This Week: November 24, 2014

Monday November 24th, 2014



Monday, November 24

hoidays bang

Holidays with a Bang! Fun big band versions of classic carols. And that’s a real orchestra, gang.

song chrsitmas

A Song For Christmas. Original Christmas tunes with instrumental and vocal versions.

chirstmas allsorts

Christmas Allsorts. A pick ‘n’ mix of Christmas music in a variety of styles. Kitschy and catchy.

chirstmas piano

Christmas at the Piano. Solo piano arrangements of traditional Christmas tunes.

xams in rock

Xmas in Rock. Original rock Christmas songs with vocal and instrumental versions.

Tuesday, November 25

bluegrass folk 1

Bluegrass Folk Roots Vol. 1. Feel-good bluegrass and folk. Lots of pickin’ and grinnin’.

holidays twist

Holidays With A Twist! Big Band takes on original and classic holiday tunes.

modern acoustic pop

Modern Acoustic Pop. Dynamic acoustic guitar energizes these pop tracks.

piano and strings 2

Poignant Piano And Strings 2. More pensive and melancholy tracks. Lots of mix outs.

sounds sexy 2

Sounds Sexy 2. Sultry and hypnotic romantic R&B electronica.

Wednesday, November 26

odds 4

Odds & Ends: Misc. Instrumentals 04. Lots of rock, dance and country tracks.

rocktrax 7

Rock & Blues: RockTrax Vol. 7. Rock, rock and more rock – alternative to metal.

disocver the world

Discover The World. Atmospheric and swirling New Age themes.

r&B 5

R&B 5. More excellent R&B in a variety of styles and tempo.

orch trailer 2

Orchestral Trailer 2. Tense and aggressive orchestral pieces.

Thursday, November 27

hip hop 4

Urban: Hip Hop Shop Vols 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 28

fun in funk

We Put The FUN in FUNK! Funky soul with a big band vibe. Very cool!


Life Stories: Discovery. Warm, upbeat and confident themes. Nice for health care spots.

up tempo 4

Up Tempo Electronica Vol. 4. Urgent club electronica and fashion themes.

epic adventure

Epic Adventure. Uplifting orchestral and inspiring tracks.

tranquil journeys

Tranquil Journeys Vol. 1. Minimalist light ambient themes.


Contact Steve Wall for a demo or to get started.

(206) 661-5551

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